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Garden Flowers, Garden Plants and Types of Flowers

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Agricultural Diversity

Modern agriculture is subdivided into many different specialties. Those agricultural industries that deal with plants include agronomy, the production of field crops, forestry, the growth and production of trees, and horticulture. Horticulture is subdivided into pomology, the growth and production of fruit crops such as oranges and apples, olericulture, the growth and production of vegetable crops (tomatoes, lettuce), landscape horticulture, the growth and production of trees and plants that are used in landscape design and floriculture, the growth and production of flowering plants used in the floral industry.

The various agriculture industries produce a tremendous number of agricultural products. Agricultural products that are derived from plants can be subdivided into timber products (lumber, furniture), grain products (wheat, oats), fiber products (cotton, flax), fruit products (grapes, peaches), nut crops (pecans, hazelnuts), vegetable products (lettuce, cabbage), beverage products (tea, coffee), spice and drug crops (garlic, mustard, opium, quinine), ornamental crops (carnations, chrysanthemums), forage crops (alfalfa, clover), and other cash crops such as sugarcane, tobacco, artichokes, and rubber.

See also: Impact on Soil Resources, Fertilizers