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Boreal Forest

The boreal forest, which lies in a band across the northern United States, Canada, northern Europe, and northern Asia, is primarily a coniferous forest. The dominant species are trees such as white spruce, hemlock, and white pine. Mixed stands of northern hardwoods, such as birch, sugar maple, and red oak, may be found along the southern reaches of the boreal forest. As the forest approaches the Arctic, trees are fewer in type, becoming primarily spruce, birch, and willows, and smaller in size. The understory is generally thin or nonexistent, consisting of seedlings of shade-tolerant species, such as maple, and low shrubs. Patches of boreal-type forest can be found quite far south in higher elevations in the United States, such as the mountains of West Virginia. The edge of the temperate forest has crept steadily northward following the retreat of the glaciers at the end of the Ice Age twenty thousand years ago.