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Garden Flowers, Garden Plants and Types of Flowers

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Other Uses

Marine plants are used for a variety of other purposes. Seaweed is used as a component of many fertilizers, as a food additive in animal feed, and to reduce soil acidity. Research on cattle and swine has revealed that the addition of seaweed to animal feed can enhance the immune system and makes the meat a more desirable color. It can also save cattle from the effects of fungus-infected grass.

Seaweed is used as an ingredient in cosmetics as well as to nourish, revitalize, condition, and improve the skin, hair, and body. It is used in cleansers, toners, moisturizers, scrubs, body lotions, and hair and bath products. The giant kelp (Macrocystis) is a major source of algin for commercial uses, as is the brown algae Laminaria, which is harvested in the north Atlantic. Algin is used in shampoos, shaving cream, plastics, pesticides, rubber products, paper, paints, and cosmetics. Additionally, kelp is used in emulsifiers for toothpastes and printing inks. Kelp has even been used to make fishing lines. Some research has been done on using kelp as a fuel to produce a clean-burning methane gas. Kelp can be used to ferment human waste and garbage, which can then be sold as fertilizers.

See also: Food, Medicine